Kana Attacks!

This is a fun game that makes a nice teaching tool for learning Japanese kana.


The game is sort of a cross between Space Invaders and Typing of the Dead. Kana fall from the sky and you must shoot them with your arufabetto laser.

You must position your space ship and then aim by typing in the romaji equivalent to the falling kana.

Try to type fast though. Your score per hit increases with the speed you type in the Romaji equivalent. You are also penalized for wrong answers -100 pts or letting the Kana hit your city -300 pts.

The game is over after three increasingly difficult rounds, or every building in your city is destroyed. It allows you to pick any combination of rows of katakana or hiragana, i.e. Ka, Ki, Ku, Ke, Ko, and Sa, Shi, Su, Se, So to study.

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